Welcome to the Family Animation Network, an innovative project conceived by the creative minds of Brian Curl and Tim Ingersoll! Currently in the development stage, our channel is not just about providing top-notch animated entertainment for families; it’s a passion project aimed at celebrating the brilliant creators behind these captivating animations.
In addition to offering families a phenomenal entertainment experience, we’re dedicated to shining a spotlight on the talented individuals and teams responsible for bringing these amazing animations to life. Our platform is designed to showcase the artistry, dedication, and innovation of animators, writers, and directors, giving viewers a glimpse into the magic that happens behind the scenes.
At the Family Animation Network, we believe that every animated story is a masterpiece in its own right, and every creator deserves recognition for their contribution to the world of family entertainment. By bridging the gap between creators and audiences, we’re fostering a sense of appreciation for the art of animation while providing families with a great entertainment experience that is both enjoyable and enlightening.
Join us on this exciting journey as we work tirelessly to develop a platform where creativity knows no bounds, and where both the creators and viewers are valued and celebrated. Welcome to a world where imagination thrives, family’s bond, and the creators of extraordinary animated productions take center stage. Welcome to the Family Animation Network, where the magic of animation comes to life!
Are you an animation enthusiast with a passion for creating captivating content? Look no further! Family Animation Network (FAN) is embarking on an exciting journey to curate a world-class streaming platform dedicated to wholesome family entertainment. We are reaching out to visionary creators like you to be a part of our innovative venture.
Our Vision:
At FAN, we believe in the power of family-friendly content to inspire, educate, and entertain audiences of all ages. We are on a mission to build a vibrant animation community where creativity knows no bounds. To achieve this, we are seeking your commitment to include your exceptional projects on FAN TV, our upcoming streaming network.
Why FAN?
We recognize the incredible talent showcased on platforms like YouTube and Vimeo. By joining FAN, you enter a no-lose situation. If you already have outstanding content, this is your chance to reach a wider audience and gain the recognition you deserve.
What We Need:
We are looking for a diverse range of content, including:
Short Films
Feature-Length Animations
Children’s Shows
Interviews with Animators and Industry Experts
We welcome various animation styles, including 2D, 3D, stop motion, and even live action, as long as it incorporates elements of animation throughout.
How It Works:
Submit Your Content: Provide us with a link to your project, ensuring it aligns with our family-friendly guidelines.
Approval Process: Upon review and approval, your project will be featured on FAN TV.
Global Exposure: When our channel launches, your creation will be accessible to viewers worldwide.
What’s in It for You:
FAN is committed to compensating creators for their hard work. We plan to generate revenue through advertising partnerships, with a portion of the proceeds directly benefiting you. Your creativity will be valued, acknowledged, and rewarded.
Join Us Today:
Are you ready to embark on this exciting animation adventure? Contact us now to learn more or submit your projects. For general inquiries or to schedule a Zoom meeting, please reach out to us at [email protected]. To submit your projects, send the links to [email protected].
At Family Animation Network, your creativity finds a home. Let’s create magic together!
Warm regards,
Brian Curl and Tim Ingersoll
Family Animation Network Team