Family Animation Network: Empowering Creators with Quarterly Profit Sharing
Welcome to the Family Animation Network (FAN), a realm where creativity flourishes and creators
thrive. As an animator, creator, or indie studio, we invite you to embark on a journey with us that promises
not only artistic fulfillment but also substantial financial rewards, including quarterly profit sharing.
Overview of Potential Profit and Loss Outlook:
Let’s delve into the details to understand how being a part of FAN can benefit you financially. Here’s a
comprehensive breakdown of our projected revenue and expenses based on estimated subscriber and
advertiser numbers for the first year.
NOTE: (This is only an estimate of potential financials)
Revenue Streams:
Subscriber Revenue:
- With an estimated 1 million subscribers, we anticipate a monthly revenue of $4,000,000.
- An additional revenue stream comes from subscribers opting for an ad-free experience, adding up to
$900,000 per month.
This totals to an impressive yearly revenue of $58,800,000.
Advertiser Revenue: - We’re projecting revenue from advertisers to be $240,000 per month, summing up to $2,880,000
Operating costs, including advertising, platform expenses, and more, amount to 15% of total revenue.
This leaves us with $4,998,000 monthly and $49,980,000 annually.
Slush Fund:
Allocating 10% of total revenue to a slush fund brings our monthly revenue after this deduction to
$4,498,200 and yearly revenue to $44,982,000.
A deduction of $600,000 for salaries leaves us with a yearly revenue after salaries of $44,382,000.
Creator Payouts: - From Advertiser Profit: Creators receive 100% of advertiser profit, which amounts to $2,880,000
yearly. - From Ad-Free Subscriptions: Creators earn 80% of the revenue generated from ad-free
subscriptions, totaling $8,640,000 annually.
Company Future Projects:
The remaining 20% from ad-free subscriptions contributes to future projects, totaling $2,160,000 yearly.
Total Yearly Payout to Creators: $10,800,000
Total Company Profit After Payouts: $33,582,000
Taxes on Net Profit:
At a tax rate of 37% applied to net profits, the total tax deduction would be:
37% of $33,582,000 = $12,425,340
Total Final Company Profit After Taxes:
$33,582,000 – $12,425,340 = $21,156,660
Quarterly Profit Sharing:
At FAN, we believe in sharing the success with our creators and staff. Therefore, our profit-sharing model
extends on a quarterly basis, ensuring that your contributions are duly recognized and rewarded. If we hit
our minimum projections as outlined above and predict that we would have 206 total potential creators,
animators, or indie studios and employees, the quarterly profit sharing would be approximately
$25,658.98. This would be the potential amount paid out every 3 months to each creator or studio with a
project that has played for the past 3 months on the platform.
Joining FAN isn’t just about creating content; it’s about being part of a community that values your
creativity and empowers you financially. With our transparent profit-sharing system, you can expect
substantial returns for your hard work and dedication. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be a part of
this exciting venture where creativity thrives, and profits are shared. Join FAN today, and let’s create
magic together—every quarter!
Here are a few comparisons of other platforms’ first year:
- Netflix first year 2007: 7.5 million subscribers
- HBO first year 2020: 41 million subscribers
- Hulu first year 2022: 46 million subscribers
- Roku (no known start date): 58 million subscribers
- Disney+ 2019: 26.5 million subscribers
We hope to welcome you or your studio into the Family.
Contact Us:
[email protected]